To the right you can see the full list of basic fillings S.L.C offers to fill you favour boxes, you can also have these in individual cellophane bags which are tied with ribbon. Also some items make good table centers please enquire. If there is nothing on the list that tickles your fancy we are more than happy to supply you with somethimg different please request and we will do our best to source the item.
Comming soonSherbert table centers with old fashioned sweet shop style lolly pops, watch this space.

Why not find out what we have on offer for Christmas weddings. On the left are some Christmas themed ideas to thrill your guests with. But if you would perfer a frosy winter wonderland, or even an escape from the cold weather out side call us and see what we have for you.

Yummy fillings on offer to fill your custom made favour boxes.
Typically two treats will fit in a box with some exceptions such as the pillow shaped box. If you would like Marzipan treats in your favours and you have chosen the pillow shaped box you should book a consulation to discuss your requirements.
BookingBooking a consultation is recomended to get exactly what you want, as talking on the phone and email is sometimes difficult. But in some situations is ok. Also there may be other things on offer that you will only find out about at a consultation.
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