Tuesday, 6 April 2010

The Sage

I would like to thank everyone who attended The Sage, Gateshead Elite Wedding fayre. This fayre was organised by Dawn Marie 'Wedding and Event Design'. Find out about more events at http://www.dawnmariewed.co.uk/Events.htm S.L.C will be attending The White Swan Hotel in Alnwick, Saturday 17th April and the Radisson Blu in Durham, Sunday 26th September


Temporary:Secretary said...

It all looks lovely and beautiful, S! I used to live 10 seconds from the Sage (in the apartment blocks opposite The Hilton Hotel) so had I still loved there, I would've loved to have come see you. :(

Unknown said...

Thanks!! My feet hurt at the end of the day though, but was worth it.
There was some fabulous exhibitors there and Dawn Marie put on a lovely show!! :)